CYIA Prayer
Thank you for making yourself available to pray!
up till 8:30 Sleep, Personal Devotions, Breakfast
8:30 – 12:00 Worship, Skills Class, Saturday: Team Assign and Open air, Sunday: local church
12:00 – 4:00 Lunch, Team Study and Practice, Monday – Friday: 5-Day Club
4:00 – 8:00 Rec time, Team Study, Dinner
8:00 – 10:15 Worship, Snack, Group Devotions, Going to sleep
Leadership: Tait, Josh, Joel, Lora, Mirium, Alicia, Heidi, Ruthie, Andrew, Dan, Liz, Christopher, Mariah, Alicia, Angelina, Kyle, Hannah, Sam, Trinity, Micah, McKenzie
Students: Ivy, Jadon, Levi, Liberty, Eseme, Philip, Javan, Jonah, Asher, Alannah, Haven, JoyAnna, Rachel, Brenna, Amy, Caleb, Jesiah, Danica, Bethany, Jonathan, Susan, Nathan, Isak, Mason, Darrell, Josie, Elisea, Tirzah, Ellie
Locations: Sunshine Park, Laurel Wood Park, Eastwood Park, Fir Grove Park, Thomson Park, OC Brown Park, Stewart Park
Additionally, please pray
- God will be exalted
- Group unity, mutual encouragement and support
- Personal purity and growth
- God’s work in the children, that they will come and believe
- For those supporting through prayer – that they will pray powerfully and effectively